Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Armageddon In Switzerland

Those of you not paying attention might have missed this:

CERN, a really big science project, is smashing particles together hither and yon, and finding the Higgs is apparently just around the corner. (The Higgs Boson, aka The God Particle.) 

There is a school of thought that all this mini-Big-Bang particle-smashing might lead to the creation of a black hole, at which point we'll just have time to bend over and kiss our asses goodbye before the baby black hole swallows us up, rocks and all,  and spews us into an alternative universe ...

Have a nice day.


steve-vh said...

interesting the one here was shut down before starting by the gov. due to cost overuns.

Scott said...

They've been making black holes since 2008. This month's recipe is quark gluon soup.

Todd Erven said...

Out of all the ways for the world to end, I hope we destroy it with a black hole. What an epic way to go; destroyed by sci-fi geeks.

Jay said...

I like that Richard Dawkins called it the "Large Hardon Collider."

Jim said...

The world ended yesterday. However, thanks to the efforts of my 2 year old -- I didn't get memo.

Don't know what the rest of you have as an excuse!

Seriously... I recall someone showing that the math isn't there to support the various doomsday scenarios.


Yuo have done great work!

Anonymous said...

Cool books

Anonymous said...

Jay, do you mean this?

Steve Perry said...

Funny link.

Justin said...

And I thought messing with a Ouija board was a bad idea!

Man just HAS to dick around with things it doesn't know enough about, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Small black holes that man might create have an incredibly small lifespan. I don't think it's even an eyeblink or two. They're just not sustainable. There's not enough mass.

Steve Perry said...

That's the theory. But since we've never created a black hole, how can you be sure? We're still not sure what they are, save for theory.

I must admit, it doesn't keep me awake nights worrying about it, but all we know about black holes is a a far distance and indirect -- where is all that matter they are sucking in going?