"Cold" is a relative term -- we have this discussion every winter. What they consider cold in L.A. we sneer at. What we think is cold, the folks in Michigan allow as shirtsleeve weather. What they think is cold in De-troit makes people in north Saskatchewan laugh.
Cold, sonny? Why, back in the winter of ought-two, I found a little blue thing on top of eight feet of snow at fifty below. Took it into the house, and when it thawed out, it went pooot! and disappeared. Stunk up the place something awful ...
But temperatures here are going down, maybe into the low teens the next couple of days, depending which weather guys you like. Channel 8 says 14º F. Weather Channel says 18º, Accuweather, 20º. Weather at the airport now says it's 35º. My thermometer out front says 31º. Microclimates galore around here, valley, mounts, gorge, seashore.
Add in an east wind, gusting to thirty mph or at my house, maybe forty-five in the Gorge, and the handy-dandy windchill chart makes it that feel like single-digits on exposed skin, going into the minus range in Troutdale. Twenty-thirty minutes to frostbite if'n it ain't covered up.
C'mon dogs, lets go for a walk. What are you standing there staring at me for? Out! Outside! Don't you run from me!
Makes wintering in Hawaii sound real good. Mostly sunny and 82º at the beach in Haleakala, Maui, today, a chance of scattered showers.
Pass me the Coppertone, would you, hon?
So far I only have one frozen waterline...
Yeah, they're already giving the end of days predictions for late Wed's/Thurs now. What you're seeing now, we'll see then (but worse, oh woe, worse!).
The local shows have to be the first to tell you the awful news.
Gee, I coulda predicted 6 months ago we'd have snow in December, and probably 12" too!
Down in the teens last night, still in the high twenties here at noon. I wrapped the faucets and ran water in the back bathroom and so far, we're still good, but there's a wind blowing on and off and it's supposed to stay cold until the end of the week.
Only good thing about it being this cold and dry and windy is that the next batch of leaves on m front walk are heading for the coast ...
I live in FL. Last night, I turned on the air conditioner.
Don't be hatin'
Sorry about the double post. didn't notice that you were moderating. Things getting too....weird?
Hey, Inosanto is giving a seminar in Jacksonville at the JSO academy - an hour and a half away from me! could not get more convenient.
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