Well, completely by accident, I came across Omar Daggy's site today -- he's the guy who shot and produced the Sera(k) tapes my teacher did a while back.
And lo! not only are they now available on DVD, and not just VHS-videotape, there are three of them instead of the two tapes I have.
I knew Guru Plinck had been talking about finishing the third volume -- we shot enough, or almost enough for it, back when -- and recently Todd mentioned something about needing a scriptwriting program somehow connected to this, but I missed the part where it got done and put on the market!
Sheesh. I guess I need to start paying better attention in class ...
Those of you who enjoy seeing such videos might want to get these, which you can do at Omar's site, here.
You guys do something called threading too? Wow.
Well, apparently so, though I must have not learned that part yet.
Then again, Daggy's cover copy uses some interesting spelling, too.
This is news to me. Interesting.
I got Joe sending me the three; I'll let you know what the third one looks like once I have a chance to see it.
I expect it will feature the Rocco takedown/upskirt shot of me they seemed to like in the first two vids.
I was wearing bike shorts under my sarong, but still, it's kinda racy ...
woo hoo! can't waite for series 4 - 18
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