Power went out here a little after noon. No doubt connected to the snow and icky weather -- somebody probably plowed into a substation or power pole somewhere. Rarely happens here, because our lines are all underground, so when it does, it's something of a surprise.
Eating lunch, poof! dark!
Fortunately, there was a break in the clouds so that opening blinds allowed me to move around without having to hunt up the hurricane lanterns. Phones worked to call out, though they wouldn't ring if somebody called in. I dialed up PGE, got the phone tree and after punching buttons, determined that power was out to four thousand customers in my area, ten percent of whom had already called it in.
It should be repaired in an hour and a half or thereabouts, the recording told me.
So, I played guitar, and after an hour and a bit, the juice came back on. I reset the electronic clocks, and had no more excuse not to work. Foo ...
Hey, that's "Ready Kilowatt," an old emblem from Pacific Power. If you're in PGE territory, you should have a picture of "Larry the Lightbulb" up instead. Of course, I'm unable to find a picture of him, though references abound on Google.
I remember Reddy from growing up, he was also the mascot for Gulf States Utilities, eaten in the 90's by some larger energy company.
Take what you can find ...
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