Just a heads-up for you rabid fans of blood and gore: My new Predator novel from Dark Horse, aided and abetted by my daughter, is officially in-print, as of yesterday. Local comic book stores will likely have copies, or there's Amazon.com
If you do the best you can, nothing else matters worth a damn.
Wooo Hoo! :-D
About Time!!! Ok I just don't have patience - I've been working on it...Looking forward to Turnabout. I Pre Ordered a couple months ago - from Darkhorse - thinking I might get it faster. Looking forward to the next Matador novel too. I stopped by Borders (Eugene)today - I know you said comic book stores would have Turnabout - but I was there anyway. Checked their computer search and it said they are in route - FY@TI. Ed 3/1/08.
I went to B&N yesterday to pick up a copy. It isn't in. Accordinig to their computer it isn't coming out until the 30th of March.
I'll keep looking elsewhere.
Dunno what to say, Brad. Dark Horse's official pub date says Feb. 27th. Must be some kind of shipping glitch at the distributor -- I have a couple advance copies in hand. Well, one copy -- I gave the other to my daughter.
Finally got my copy. Beer money well spent Steve! I sat and would ahve read it in one sitting if my daughter would have let me. As it is, I did finish it in one day, in between everything else. Did you write it with a movie in mind? Because I can definately see it on the big screen. Kept picturing Lance Henrickson as Sloane.
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