Many religions include versions of Hell -- Christian, Tibetian Buddhist, Hindu -- but if you want to see a really scary one, spend a Sunday morning at Chuck E. Cheese ...
We love seeing the grandsons, and my daughter's boys love Chuck E. Cheese.
If you have ever been, you know; if not, and you are a sinner, best hope you don't wind up being sent to such a place for eternity, because ten minutes feels like an eternity, and that's if you get there before the place fills up ...
And for God's sake, don't actually EAT the food there!!!!
I love my daughter, but once was enough.
My sister used to have a people-she-was-going-to-slaughter- when-she-lost-it list -- she was planning in wiping out the cast of "Full House," if I recall he name of the show -- it was the one with Bob Saget and the Olsen Twins, anyway, though I think she was going to let the Olsen twins live -- they were young and innocent at the time.
Me, I'll be taking out one Chuck E. Cheese after another, until SWAT stops me ... I will, of course, let all the innocent kiddies go. But the guys in the clown suits are getting it.
I had to spend a Sunday afternoon there, for much the same reason. After a couple of hours the waitress looked at me and said, "You look like you really want to get out of here."
Just so happens that my daughter wants me to take her there when I get home next week. And of course, I agreed. Her and her best friend (both 5 years old) and me.
I'm taking a book. And my wallet.
Don't like going there much, but seeing the smile on their faces is worth it. Plus, the deal is, if I take her to do something she wants, she has to do something with me that I want to do. She's good at keeping her end of the bargain.
I went to Chuck E. Cheese a couple of years ago because I thought it'd be nostalgic. It definitely looks better through a child's eyes.
I found it interesting that they had a 2 drink maximum. Nothing like saying, "We know this place sucks so bad that you need to get wasted... but we won't let you."
That'd be like Satan giving you a couple sips of water in Hell and then saying, "Sorry, refer to the sign."
Oh, the things we do for our children. Most of which they never appreciate -- until they have children of their own.
My daughter and I, while feeding Chuck E. coins into the whack-a-shark machine, looked at each other. She said, "Ah, Chuck E. Cheese -- come for the food, but stay for the music."
Live long enough, what goes around comes around ...
Heh, my son told me a couple of weeks ago that my grandson's first birthday party is going to be there. Which is nuts: a 1-year-old doesn't get anything out of Chuck E. Cheese. He admitted it was nostalgia for his own birthdays (and friends' birthdays) there.
I've often thought that if i wanted to get really rich I'd just open a vasectomy clinic in the back of a Chuck E. Cheese.
You'd make a fortune, but you could save yourself effort by hawing Tums and earplugs at the front door.
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