So, it seems my wife's "stomach flu" of last week has an identifiable cause. Apparently the restaurant where she dined the day before sent out a questionnaire to its patrons, and the upshot of it seemed to be that a whole bunch of folks who ate there had sudden onsets of the same symtoms at about the same time. They suspect norovirus, which is kind of a wastebasket diagnosis, since that causes somewhere around half of so-called "food poisoning" with associated stomach pains, vomiting and diarrhea around the world.
Caveat consumere ...
I was at a con that was hit by a norovirus a couple weeks back, took down almost a third of the attendees over the course of four days. Fortunately, it passes quickly.
One of my co-workers' wife and kids have been down with something similar for the last few days. Bad stuff.
Make you realize how much you trust other people not to kill you. Driving, eating out, crossing the street at a light.
Does kind of make you want to stay home and cook your own food, which we mostly do. This was a work luncheon for Dianne, who normally takes her lunch.
I had a case of norovirus a few years ago. Sick as a dog for a few days and miserable for a few more. It's no joke. You can dehydrate pretty quickly.
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