So, the next book in the pipeline, assuming several things, since it's a spec-novel, i.e., not one for which we have a contract, is Eilandia: The Dreadnaught, with my collaborator.
Hereabove, a peek at the world map, more or less.
The assumptions here are mostly concerned with what paying work might get in the way, since this one, while we hope it will eventually be lucrative, won't be marketed until we finish it. There are good reasons for this, not the least of which is that a big fat fantasy -- a technical term in the publishing biz, fat fantasy -- is more likely to bring in a good advance if the publisher can see up front exactly what they have to work with, as opposed to a few chapters and an outline. Reduce War and Peace to three chapters and an outline, it's not as impressive as having the monster manuscript in-hand. Not that we are in any way comparing ourselves to Tolstoy here ...
Um. Anyway, we are hoping for a draft by this summer, and aiming for something in the neighborhood of 175,000 words, which would be a substantial book, but not a doorstop footbuster.
And, of course, it might be but the first tale in the Eilandia Chronicles, which could run three, or five, or twelve volumes -- depending on how much money our publisher wants to bestow upon us.
And for the silat crowd, yes, there will be much of that art herein.
Interesting, I don't know that I have read any fantasy that you've written. *scratches head* I can only think of sci-fi off the top of my head.
Of course I haven't read EVERYTHING you have written/co-written, just everything that I have ever run across in the store. :)
I look forward to a Steve Perry fantasy novel, I am sure I will enjoy it. Having your name on the cover has always made me pretty sure I would enjoy the book. You even got me to read an Alien Vs Predator novel, which to my surprise I quite liked.
Looking forward to it Steve.
I have written a few things. Five Conan novels, an urban fantasy, some movie tie-in, some short stories about vampires and werewolves and Bruce Lee and such, and, of course, a shitload of TV animation, from Ghostbusters to Conan to, well, enough so I'm comfortable in the form.
Maybe I'll post my bibliography here, just for grins.
The AvP Novel? My daughter mostly wrote that one.
She's a natural writer ...
Well, I have always thought you ought to have a bibliography posted here for those of us who are interested to see what else you have done.
Now that you mention the Conan books I do actually remember being told about them before. I just have not encountered them in the store when I have been searching for something to read. :)
"Steve Perry said...
I have written a few things. "
I had to laugh at that, especially out of context. I constantly marvel at how many books you have written and how consistently well you write in all of them.
And on the AvP novel, please pass my complements along to your daughter. I really enjoyed that book a great deal, I'll have to look up some more of her stuff.
Your facility with pacing is one of the things I most admire about your writing style and the pacing in the AvP novel was just as good so complements to whoever is responsible for that also. :)
I'm looking forward to "The Big Book of Steve Perry's Horror Fiction"
Well, heck, I'd buy it. :)
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