You can also break DVD security protections to copy and embed short clips for non-commercial educational or critical purposes, if you are a student or reviewer.
But here's the good one: you can bypass a dongle if it no longer works or can't be replaced.
I was doing pretty good until I got to that one, then it sounded like an old Chuck Berry song.
Baby, won't you play with my dongle ... ?
I'm sorry, did you say something? I know there are words below that image, but I can't get my eyes to focus.
Well this doesn't really change the copyright law. The whole point is that these are lawfull uses under existing law so various rulings have held that the DMCA doesn't apply to prevent the cracking/jacking/hacking. In many cases though you would be breaking your liscencing agreement and (potentialy) be liable under a civil claim for breach of contract though.
Changes. Interpretation. Effect is the same, insofar as what you can do. I'm guessing the point of this is to keep folks from getting dinged by companies for doing it.
I play with ports, not dongles thank-you-very-much
I used to program dongles for a living, and I resent the implication that there was anything salacious about it. Just plugging things in and out all day long.
You people ...
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