Sly and the Body Stone
Behold what you can do if you have a bunch of money, plenty of time to work out, access to Human Growth Hormone and whatever anabolic steroids you want.
Guy is older than I am ...
The picture is a promo for The Expendables, written, directed, and staring Stallone, and if rumors can be believed, co-starring Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, and Randy Couture, along with Mickey Rourke and Forest Whittaker. Supposed to start shooting in March, for a 2010 release.
I can't imagine it will rock the teenage boy market off its feet but a whole lotta guys my age will be lining up to see it ...
have you seen clarence Bass at 70 pics?
Haven't seen Bass since I stopped reading the BB zines years ago. Still ripped as ever.
the flip side is scary. i saw a non competition photo of Dorion Yates (a huge pro body builder) It looked like he swallowed a watermelon hole. apparently abusing hgh and insulin ? can cause your internal organs to grow strangely giving your midsection a really weird look. Ughh. Langdon
Based on that cast and Stallone's ideas about what make a good movie (rent Rambo and watch the extra features on the DVD; they're interesting), a project called, "The Expendables" sounds intriguing. Do or die CIA tactical team? Superheroes who aren't so heroic? Oh, wait, that's "The Watchmen." Well, anyhow, it'll be interesting to hear more.
Yeah, you can almost always tell a pro bodybuilder, one on the juice, from a natural one who isn't.
The roid guys are huge, their skin looks crepe-y, and they have huge bellies whenever they relax, among other things like acne, yellow sclera, bald spots and itty bitty wedding tackle.
Plus things like liver cancer and berserker rage.
It looks worse on women, who develop deep voices, hair in places they don't want it, and enlarged clits that look like small penises.Most changes of which are permanent.
Not to say you can't take the meds without all the side-effects, but you have do do it with great care
And with Sly, don't forget the plastic surgery. I remember reading somewhere that he's had abdominal etching - a kind of liposuction which follows the outlines of the abs to help that six pack look. You need low fat levels for it to work but still... another rich man cheat.
That being said, you still have to give him cudos for his work ethic.
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