So, the original anthology Crime Spells, edited by Marty Greenberg and Loren Coleman, is on the racks. It's a collection of stories about magic and crime, and there's a short piece by Yours Truly that anchors the final relay leg of the book, entitled "She's Not There."
I never was much of a short story writer, though I gave it a serious try when I first started in the biz. Until I began writing novels, I cranked shorts out, one a week or so, and most of those are holding down a shelf in the storage room. I was selling maybe one in four or five at my best, and the work needed to do them could, I figured, be better put elsewhere. A short story was worth a couple chapters in a book, so I mostly stopped doing them.
Dean Wesley Smith and Kris Rusch shamed me into writing a few for their hardback zine, Pulphouse, and since most of them were wild hairs but sold anyway, I was pleased.
Now and then, I get asked to contribute to an original anthology, and so that's pretty much my short story output these days.
I had fun doing this one.
Please don't bother trying to find her...
Yep. That's where the title came from. By the Zombies, #2 on the Hit Parade, 1964 ...
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