Yesterday, at a lovely botanical garden in Portland, Edwin and Irene (and Colin, aged nine) got married. A great day for it, mostly sunny but not too hot.
A lovely semi-traditional wedding -- Edwin wore a kilt -- his dress tactical knife visible in a pocket -- and Vibram Five-Finger slippers; Irene wore a vest and gown made by a costumer she met at a science fiction convention. When I asked her where her knife was, she told me it was none of my business.
Colin -- Irene's son -- wore a sport coat and slacks and a very cool fedora.
The ceremony was performed by Reverend Stevan Plinck, who also goes by the title of Maha Guru Plinck. The couple also exchanged their own vows and included Colin in them. Gorgeous gold rings with diamonds and sapphires.
Both bride and groom had family attending, his from Europe, hers from the Carolinas, and the food was better than good, with champagne and beer and punch.
As delightful an event as such things get, and we wish the newlyweds all good speed and fortune.
Since I know she reads here -- Congratulations, Irene & Ed. Best wishes for a loving and happy family life.
We both read here, though I may not have commented here recently. Thanks.
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