Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dead Man's Champion

So, I ran my most recent book idea past my wife, a couple writer friends, and my agent, and the consensus was "Cool. Go for it."

I have to get the draft done on the fantasy first, but that shouldn't take but a couple months, and then I can get to Sam "Don't call me Sugar" Kane, martial artist and spiritual warrior.

This one will give me plenty of space to play with silat and a whole bunch of old hippie stuff I used to know. Of course, I don't remember the sixties, having lived through them, but I still have the books somewhere around here .

Might even be the start of a new series ...


  1. Sounds like fun.

    If you manage to breath half as much life into him as you did Morn I will probably be badgering you for a sequel.

    Speaking of Morn, when are we gonna see him again? ;)

  2. Sounds interesting. Between the next Matador prequel, the steampunk fantasy, this project and the short treatment about Rule #1 (be vary wary of old men who smile a lot) you're going to be murdering thousands of innocent electrons in the next couple years.

  3. Yep, plenty to do. So many books, so little time.

    One of the reasons why, when approached at a party by somebody who wants to give me a terrific deal for a novel -- he supplies the idea, I write it, we split the money -- that I'm less than enthusiastic.

    That, and me doing all the work, since the idea is but a tiny part of the writing process. I got drawers full of ideas I won't live long enough to write. An idea and a dime will get you ten pennies -- if somebody wants to bother to make change ...

  4. It's the same thing in programming. I've got a million projects that are basically program file and library headers. All that's needed is a few thousand hours of engineering and development...

    But there is a book title which should sell about a million copies no matter what's between the covers. I offer it free to anyone who wants to write it:

    "Men Who Crawl Out From Under Rocks and the Women Who Take Them Home"


    It wouldn't be self-help. More something that women would leave lying around where their girlfriends would pick it up...

  5. I will definately be looking forward to this one mr. Perry.

  6. I briefly told people I was a writer, for a few years in my early 20s. Got tired of the "here's my great idea, let's split the proceeds" pitch about the 10th time I heard it, so I started telling people I was a programmer. Then I started hearing, "Let's build this great website I have an idea for, and split the proceeds" -- so I started telling them I wrote statistical software for insurance companies.

    People stopped bothering me.
