Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Okay, so Bobbe brought over a few of his favorite brews, and dutiful fellow that I am, I agreed to steel myself and give them a try.

They have names like Brak and Graak and Chimney Grande, and like that, and they are somewhat larger in volume than your typical American brew. A bit stronger, though not enough to notice.

While the taste is somewhat harsh and just a bit stale to start out with, after you drink three or four -- if you do it quickly enough -- they aren't really that bad. The dark brews are somewhat more ... palatable than the lighter ones.

Passable, if you are thirsty and there isn't any, well, you know, Coors around ...


  1. You realithe. Thith. Meanth. WAR!

  2. I figured that would smoke Ervin out.

    Heh, heh, heh.

    As for the beer, truth be told? but don't let it get around ...

    The monks make pretty good beer over there in that French-speaking country.

    Four for four, Kid. Overpriced, but not bad.

    Of course, I will deny saying so. All you computer guys, one of you busted into my my system and forged this posting ...

  3. Smoke me out?

    It's ok, Steve. We understand how hard it is to teach you new tricks. Don't worry! We're patient people and we won't rest while your wasting your last few years on terrible micro brews.

  4. None of us would use our powers for evil like that.

  5. Coors is beer? Not according to our local large animal vet, it isn't.

  6. You consider Coors a beer? Hmm, may have to rethink buying you a beer in Dallas and just get you a nice wine spritzer instead.....

  7. Kicking and screaming, Old Man. But you WILL join us. It is your destiny.

    >"None of us would use our powers for evil like that."<

    ???? Dude, that's about ALL we ever use our powers for! There is no "Alliance of the Superfriends".

    ...Lotta "Legion of Doom"'s, tho.

  8. Nah, I normally drink micro-brews made on-site. I'm fond of Hammerhead, sometimes the nitrogen version -- where the bubbles go down instead of up.
    Or Black Butte Porter.

    Fresh, draft beer. Not something that has been sitting in a bottle for weeks or months, the sunlight killing it softly through the glass ...

    Coors is just one of the worst insults I could throw at Bobbe and Ervin to get their goats ...

  9. What's that, Kid? You're in the Legion of Dome?

    Yeah ...
