Thursday, September 06, 2007

Writing Seminar

I've been told that we are finalizing the details for my workshop -- assuming anybody signs up -- for the end of the month.

It'll theoretically be on Saturday, the 29th of September, at the Standard TV & Appliance meeting room, across from Cedar Hills Mall. Running from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., break for lunch, pee breaks in the afternoon, like that.

If you are interested, contact: Martha, ( and probably you ought do it pretty soon. She will have details and directions and all like that.


  1. "theoretically"? Does that mean if enough people don't show up, it'll be canceled?

  2. Always the possibility. Lotta local folks spent all their money on the Willamette Writers Conference, in August.

    I like to keep the classes small, but there's a break-even point. I dunno what it is, or how many people have registered, but the OWC folks make the decision two weeks out.

    Stay tuned ...

  3. Curious about the RV mentioned in the graphic on this post -- do you really live in it? If so, why stick around the northwest, why not travel? (Or do you?)

    I looked at some 40 foot yachts recently as an idea for retirement -- same idea, though riskier and more expensive. But I think I could be happy traveling around in an RV, too.

    Long ways away. Just signed a 3 year lease on a 6 bedroom house -- when the lease is up my two oldest will be off to college, and then I'll have only 5 people in the immediate family.

    I'm 13 years away from having the youngest off to college....

  4. Nah, the camper is for recreation, we don't live in it. We tend to take short trips, a few days here and there, to relax.

    Just got back from three days in Florence, on the Oregon coast, down in the dunes. Laid around, read, walked the dogs, ate ...

    We have done a road trip to Louisiana and back, but until my wife retires, we can't do big travel.

    Besides which, the northwest is God's country -- a lot of stuff within striking range that is as beautiful as anything in the country.
