Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Book Cover

Hmm. Somebody was asking me about current books-in print, and I missed uploading this image last year when this one came out -- 'cause it was in February, and I didn't start the blog until June, I expect. My technothriller, from Five Star Press:

Immune Response

Wasn't the highest advance I ever got, but it did earn out, always a comfort ...


  1. You know you've hit the big time when the publisher doesn't stick you with a unicorn, a dragon or a bimbo (or for that matter, all three of 'em at once) on the cover of your book. Yep, looks as if you've arrived.

  2. I dunno if I've arrived, but this is one of two covers upon which the publishers actually asked for my input. (The previous cover I had for a Five Star book was the absolute pits, worst ever.)

    So they said, "What would you like to see on the cover?"

    And I said, "A hypodermic syringe and some pills, maybe a handgun."

    Two out of three ain't bad.

  3. Yeah, but Musashi Flex had one of the best covers ever, so you can't complain too much.
