Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Death Star Rising

So, the draft is done and turned in. We are leaning toward one of two titles, though that's just us: Death Star Rising, or, The Final Voyage of the Death Star ...


  1. Oooh! "Final Voyage of the Death Star!!"

    Not that you ASKED for our votes, but I believe somewhere back in the tortured caverns of your mind, you meant to.

  2. Book people will decide on the title, but since I think they had some already with "rising" in the title, maybe they'll go with "voyage."

    I'm good either way.

  3. Looks to me like ol' Darth walked under some pigeons. Space pigeons--who'd have thunk it?

  4. Ralph McQuarrie (guy who did most of the original series conceptual artwork) was famous for that "half sketched/work in progress" look to his art. Although it works in most cases, well, some of it DOES come off as "I had to drop the kids off at soccer and only had a minute to crank this one out".
