Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Technology Offers Steve a Message

Hey, Steve! Swing on this!

So I'm trying to send the final -- more or less -- manuscript of the book upon which I and my collaborator and I have been laboring lo these many months back to him for a final read before we turn it in. And all of a sudden, his server has decided that my attachments are spam, and thus need to be blocked.

Yet another pothole in the information highway you'd think they'd have filled by now. So if he doesn't get online and fix this, either a) he doesn't get to read it before I ship it to our expectant editor or b) we are late on our deadline. (And since being late on a deadline is a no-no I try mightily to avoid, that ain't gonna happen.)

It's enough to turn me into a Luddite.


  1. And lo, there is a third option: Send it to a different email server that my collaborator has.

    So we are most of the way home. If he can get it to the editor, then it's just wait for the rewrite notes to come back.

    And, of course, that time off I was going to take went away. Got family coming to visit, a nephew and his girl just arrived, my mother and sister will be here Thursday week, and an editor I know just called to ask for a short story.

    Never a dull moment ...

  2. They say you are what you eat. Do you consume a lot of Hormel products..?
