Thursday, June 03, 2021

Weights Awaiting

So, the pandemic storm isn’t over. 

However, the weather is, at least in some areas, improving.

My wife and I, most of our family and friends, have taken the vaccines. No absolute guarantees, we will still be masked in places, but the winds have diminished, the seas are less choppy.

We were, when the plague blew in, already battened down, recovering from a serious medical malady that unexpectedly swamped us, and the pandemic just added to that.

My excuse to eat and drink too much, to exercise too little, and to keep my head down and stay home all the time, needs to change. 

Health is not just about avoiding  one disease.

Back to life: Diet and exercise. Going for more frequent walks, eating fewer cookies, ease off on the beer. Lift this. tote that, play music, re-engage. In the long run, all flesh is grass, but a healthy and fit life is better no matter how long you get to ride the ride.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, it starts where you are, not where you wish you were.

We need it, the dogs need it, it is time.

Your mileage may vary, of course, but while it might not be a complete Johnny Nash lyric, it is close enough for me: “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone …”

Of course, seeing it, and doing it aren’t the same, but I gotta start somewhere.


1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, going through the same thing. It'd be easier if my body did that endorphins thing, but ... running, planks, lifting weights. Not a fan. Just a fan of the results. Success!
