Friday, June 04, 2021

iOS Blues


Speak ill if you will of Apple’s iOS system, iPhone and iPad and all, but when it comes to using a song for a ringtone?

They would really have to go some to make it any harder to do. 

The choices are 1) bad, 2) worse, and 3) awful. 

You can try what used to be iTunes but isn’t that now; you can screw around with Garageband; you can download one of ninety-seven-thousand apps that are supposed to make it easy as peasy, but instead send you into swirling Langmuir eddies where you will drown trying to escape.

After two hours of following dead-ends, helpful advice from the web, installing, and then trashing, four apps, updating my iOS, and more fruitless snipe hunting, I managed to somehow get a new ringtone installed on my iPhone. 

Not sure I could do it again. Nor am I inclined to try.

All just so that when my phone rings, it will be Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man.

1 comment:

  1. My ringtone is the end theme from "Buckaroo Banzai."
    I have an Android phone.
    It wasn't easy but, wow, it wasn't THAT hard.
