Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Old Pictures

Came across this one in the box–it's one of the beaches in Hana, Maui, Hawaii, circa November, 1991.

I don't recall if it was the black, red, or yellow sand beach, all of which were beautiful, and you can't tell from the picture.  I don't remember that the black sand beach was this large, and what they called red wasn't all that red. 

Well, whatever. It's a beach.

The fellow in the Speedo down in the left corner was the only guy in the water, and there was only one other person on the shore at the time, the wader's wife, who took the picture. 

The trip was in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary. 

On a day that started out here with an hour's worth of snow, which was washed away with a cold rain, and typical winter temperatures of about forty degrees, that beach at a balmy eighty degrees in Hana is a magic memory ...


  1. We were just there in December. Not that exact spot, but we did the "Road to Hana" trip, and stopped at a few beaches along the way. It looks familiar and unfamiliar all at once. Time is a funny thing.

  2. Beautiful place. We stayed in an upstairs apartment, didn't have a heater or an AC, and neither was necessary. Hiked all over, drove past George Harrison's house, went to Hasegawa's General Store. Altogether lovely experience, even those one-lane bridges were an adventure.

  3. It's wonderful that the two of you went to Hawaii to celebrate such a long and happy marriage. Your wife is an amazing woman, and you're a very lucky man.

    Now for the love of Christ, Chimay & what's left of my sanity, please don't post another picture of you in speedos. Especially from the back.


    I can't eat breakfast after this.

  4. But there are so *many* of them, Kid, going back almost forty years! Black Speedos, red ones, blue ones, flower-patterened. Never have less than two or three pair, just in case.

    Think of how easy this would be for a weight-loss program. Drop by here, lose a couple pounds, just like that ...

  5. I guess I shouldn't be making you have to deal with your homo-erotic fantasies, though, Kid ...
