Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weight Loss Problem

Well, crap. Since I cut out sugar and simple carbs a couple days ago, I've lost four pounds. 

Yeah, okay, I figured I might could drop five or six pounds and get those nice abs, but this is not good, when you think about for long term. Since I normally fast one day a week and lose about six pounds that way, I could be down ten by Friday and while I usually get the fasting weight back by the next week's fast, I'm not going to do that if I'm already running a calorie deficit.

I'm pretty sure people trying to lose pounds will hate me for this, but if I'm going to maintain my weight, I'm gonna have to eat more fat and protein to make up for the sugars ...


  1. If you are looking for sympathy, Sir, might I recommend the "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary"? ;~)

  2. Gee, thanks.

    And here I go, cutting my meals in half and skipping anything that tastes good -- and my weight is at best holding steady.

    I'd kill you -- but I can't wait for Siblings... and the new project about the kids.

    Or have your teasers on those been planned as life insurance?


  3. Sounds like carb depletion\water weight. Not actual weight loss. Honestly.

    Pretty common when folks cut carbs\sugars IME.


  4. Well, there isn't anything actually GOOD for you about sugars and simple carbs. --excepting fructose still in the actual fruits...

    You might enjoy "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes for the full-on informing. He digs into a shirtload of science...and bad science. I found myself reading aloud fascinating bits off almost every page.

    His "Why we get fat and what to do about it" is coming out Dec. 28, it's supposed to be more 'accessible'. If it's as good as "Good Calories..." ("Well ya NEED carbs or you'll die!" "Well...consider the Inuit..."), hot diggety!

  5. I've read Taubes -- my massage therapist is deep into nutritional studies, she's got a ton of reference material and links -- we went over my blood panel in detail.

    Simple sugars -- and that includes corn syrup, honey, and molasses, along with others -- pretty much give you zip but empty calories. The analogy my therapist uses is it's like heating your house by feeding the woodstove kindling -- it burns up fast and you have to keep doing it constantly, and it leaves a lot of ash.

    I know that white death is bad stuff, and carbs need to be complex. I ain't giving up rice and beans, just the candy and granola bars and some of the pies, cakes, and cookies and ice cream. Save for triglycerides, everything else is square in the middle of what it needs to be, and the PSA low. I'm generally fit -- under 12% body fat, resting pulse of sixty, low BP. I can fix the triglycerides easily in a couple-three months. Simple, just don't eat the stuff ...
