Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Faster Than A Speeding iPod

So, Superman is getting the upgrade to dark. Gonna wear a hoodie, have an attitude ...

I'd think this was completely doomed, except that Joe Straczynski is writing it, so there's a shot that it might fly.

But still. Batman, sure -- he was always on the edge of psychosis, in it for revenge. Supe? Mr. Goody Two Shoes? 

What next? Richie Rich becomes a communist? Mickey and Goofy hook up?


  1. Pfeh. Except, like, with more time and energy than I want to put into it at the moment, this late at night. Sort of a just threw up pfeh, except it was all over the idea of goth superman, and it started a chain reaction of pfeh-vomit like the one in that King movie, and ended up with people lying dazed and ill in their wrecked autos as the orgy of vomit spread ...

    That kind of pfeh.

    Joe's a hell of a writer. If anyone can make this work, he might. But I hate the idea.

  2. The best Superman story I've ever read was Elliot S! Maggin's, _Superman: Last Son of Krypton_ --- I don't see how this is going to top that, or even have anything interesting to say.

    For my part, I'm really tired of comic re-boots --- it's really a shame DC messed up their nice, successive set of worlds where heroes could grow old and age peacefully in their Crisis of the Infinite Earths --- Marvel at least was doing this a bit better w/ their Multiverse, but their inability to decide how to handle the hiding of Spiderman's identity has really put me even farther off.

    (who hasn't bought a comic book since X-Factor #1)

  3. Psst... we have aged out of the target demographic. Of course we don't like it. They don't care.

  4. I'm not entirely sure about demographic. Comics sometimes have a way of fluctuating into areas that are too mature for what's supposed to be there target demographic, and I'm not talking about Vertigo, or Max Comics. I think they're having trouble finding, and keeping a demographic regardless of intent, but that has more to do with the changing face of print media. As well as the inherent problem of endless storytelling.

  5. Well, I was being somewhat facetious.

    I forget who said it, one of DC's better known comics guys, just forget which one. Anyway, he actually said a that DC is a Warner Bros R&D department. That probably has more to do with revisions like this then my comments about being old (I'm not used to the idea yet and am not a big fan).
