Monday, October 18, 2010

New CPR Revision

Been made official -- the new way to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation -- CPR -- is to skip the first two loading breaths and go right into the chest compressions. The theory is that the blood probably has enough oxy in it to start, and getting it pumping is more effective than trying to breath for the victim first.

Gonna play hell with the old ABC acronym -- Airway, Breathing, Compression -- but they say it's better. Plus there are folks who might not be willing to do mouth-to-mouth who would pump the chest. 

Not so hard to remember: Guy not breathing? Get him a CAB!

So, it's thirty compressions first, then two breaths. Repeat until medical help arrives or the victim sits up and wonders why you are trying to break his ribs ... 

Story here.


  1. I can't beleive how many times it's changed in the last 20+ years that I've been taking classes. It always depends on who I'm getting certified through (work decides). I did remember hearing some of this theory last year in class.

  2. My CPR goes all the way to Back-pressure-arm-lift, in the Boy Scouts. The compression numbers and breaths keep shifting as more results come in. A good thing, I suppose, if changing it betters the odds of survival.

    Of course, if you have a helper, that changes it, too, or used to ...

  3. Would crushing a viagra type pill under their tongue help - I heard it helps blood flow?

    EMT to Doctor 4hrs later (slow driver) - " Yah he's stable doc but we got another problem...."

  4. I don't think peripheral blood flow matters -- talking core organs. Patient might already be in shock.

    I'm also of a mind that somebody who just had a heart attack might be different than somebody who has drowned, regarding how much oxygenated blood is still available. If you know how to do the technique, you can get those two breaths in in five or six seconds, if you don't fumble around getting the airway.
