Sunday, October 17, 2010

Movietone News - The Man Who Never Missed

Got a note from my producer on the in-the-works movie project, TMWNM. I can now officially note that he is Mark Kilbane, and while he is still in the early stages of the hustle needed to get this thing off the ground and into the galaxy, he has already done some cool stuff, with more on the way. 

The picture, from FB, is just a concept. 

The guy who is working on the video game and I spoke this very day, and he's rolling up his sleeves, too. Given that he is family, that wasn't so hard. The fun part is that if one of these gets rolling, it will almost certainly help the other one. 

So, a favor: If you are a fan of these books, you can help: Go to the Facebook page and sign the petition to re-publish the first three novels as an omnibus.

Actually, the direct petition link is here. The one above takes to the the "like it" Facebook page for TMWNM, and there's a URL there to the petition. But it won't hurt to look at the page anyhow. 

You have friends who would click on it if you asked them?  Viral would be good -- I mean, the sooner I get rich from all this, the sooner I can spend full-time working on the next Matador novel ...

How's that for blackmail?

If you are a twitter kind of person, you can see stuff there by clicking here.

You have time and energy to get involved in this project? Contact Mark, here: 

Not likely to be any money, but maybe some glory and a ticket to the premiere if it goes down. Bragging rights -- Hey, I helped do that movie ...

Mark is working on a web page for TMWNM as we speak, and soon as he has it loaded and ready, I'll post the link here. 

Stay tuned ...


  1. Anything you need just let me know. This is one of my favorite series of books and anything I can do will be done.

  2. If there is anyway I can help...please let me know. This has been one favorites for a loooooooong time! :-)


  3. I hope the video game will be done using motion technologies so that one can actually point at the screen instead of waggling a joystick to aim --- get it on the Wii and I'll have to see about making a mount-on-the-back-of-the-hand holder for a Wii Remote (and please set it up so that one can dual-wield (bill it as cooperative play to keep the lawyers away) and shoot w/ both hands.

    (who likes light-gun games on the Wii (like Link's Crossbow Training) so much that he made Wii Remote Zapper-style gun shells and gave them to co-workers along w/ used copies of the game _Link's Crossbow Training)

  4. I haven't seen it yet, but the producer has a script that is mostly done. I expect I'll get a look at it eventually.

  5. ABOUT TIME. This is one of my favorite books & series of all time. I have been so looking forward to a movie version.

    I know it will be tough to be as good as the book but I have an open mind.


  6. Conact info for Mark:

    He's not hiring staff or actors, but if you want to be involved, tell him what you can do ...

  7. This sounds good. I am hopeful it will come to pass - one of my favorite series of books. I lost many copies of the first three to friends and relatives. Good Luck!!

  8. This is all very exciting. I hope it goes through.
