Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Muse

Having an email exchange with the producer who has optioned the film rights on The Man Who Never Missed -- stay tuned here for the official announcement and links and all soon -- and the subject of The Muses came up. 

The Muse for writing -- epic poetry, as it happened, but as close as it gets, since there weren't any novels back in the day -- is Calliope. (That's not pronounced "cal-e-ope," by the by, but "cah-lie-oh-pee," just like the musical instrument. Calliope was one of Zeus's daughters, and chief of the Muses -- them being the inspirations for artists of all kinds. The name means "beautiful voice," though if you have ever heard a steam calliope, chances are that's not the first thing that pops into your mind. For me "loud" or "noisy" is ...

Somehow, that seems appropriate ...


Shady_Grady said...

"...the calliope crashed to the ground" is the first thing I think of.

Steve Perry said...

Yeah, Manfred Mann doing the Boss ...