Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Muse

Having an email exchange with the producer who has optioned the film rights on The Man Who Never Missed -- stay tuned here for the official announcement and links and all soon -- and the subject of The Muses came up. 

The Muse for writing -- epic poetry, as it happened, but as close as it gets, since there weren't any novels back in the day -- is Calliope. (That's not pronounced "cal-e-ope," by the by, but "cah-lie-oh-pee," just like the musical instrument. Calliope was one of Zeus's daughters, and chief of the Muses -- them being the inspirations for artists of all kinds. The name means "beautiful voice," though if you have ever heard a steam calliope, chances are that's not the first thing that pops into your mind. For me "loud" or "noisy" is ...

Somehow, that seems appropriate ...


  1. "...the calliope crashed to the ground" is the first thing I think of.

  2. Yeah, Manfred Mann doing the Boss ...
