Monday, April 12, 2010

Long Shadows

Just got a royalty statement on Shadows of the Empire, a book that came out fourteen years ago and is still in print. The paperback just edged past half a million copes sold.

Good reason to smile on a partly-sunny spring day.


  1. I first read Shadows when I was in Jr. High and it's still one of my favorite Star Wars books.

  2. Congratulations, Old Man.

    The Force is strong in you.

  3. Well-earned, sir.
    I bought a copy for my 13-year-old cousin-in-law last Christmas.
    Take that, video games!

  4. Just got my royalty check for the Star Wars shorts I did back in the 90s. Not much, but they do keep coming.

  5. Ironically, I was just sent a royalty check for the pictures I posted of myself on the internet, IN Star Wars shorts.

    Funny old world, eh?

  6. Bobbe, are you sure that you aren't confusing royalties with payments not to do something again? ;)

    (I know damn well in my case that'd be what they are!)

  7. Gratz! I never got the chance to play the video game, but loved reading the Star Wars series.

  8. Very well earned. I have always loved the stuff you write for Star Wars, and hope to see something new from you there in the future ( maybe with the Mandalorians. they could use some kick ass writing!)
