Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blast from the Past

Got an email from one of the younger brothers of my old running buddy Greg. Back down home for Mardi Gras earlier this year, he came across a box of old papers, and in it, business cards from 1970. Before there were area codes in common use, you'll notice.

Forty years ago.

I remember the school we had, but didn't recall what we called it. "Throwback" was also the working title of a novel we were going to write, concerning our philosophy of physical training, and referring to a time when people were generally fitter and more capable than they had become by the end of the sixties.

The more things change, the more they stay the same ...


  1. I thought it was "Throwback" because you were one of the teachers, and could explain the technicalities of the cro-magnon combat methods. Seeing as how you were there, and all.

  2. Of course. I was there when dirt was invented.

    Then again, maybe it refers to what I'd do if I caught a little fish like you in my net ...
