Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Transcend Dental Medication (Cont'd)

Went in to the dentist's last week for my exam and cleaning. He found a cracked crown and some decay, so today, I got to go back and begin the process of getting those repaired.

Dentistry has come a long way in my lifetime, but not past the injections of a local anesthetic and assorted grindings and the smell of burning enamel ...

The temporary crowns look like teeth now and not aluminum caps, and the process for casting is quicker and easier. No more spit tray next to the chair, they keep a little vacuum cleaner going next to the water jet in your mouth.

Left side of my mouth is numb, tongue feels like a block of wood. Can't tell by looking, but it feels as if I have taken a good punch in the mouth.

Beats the option, of course, having your teeth fall out, but there are a lot of ways I'd rather spend an hour than in the dentist's chair

A whooole lot of ways, yessiree ...

1 comment:

  1. My wife is a Dental Hygiene student. Besides learning a whole new way (and the proper way) of cleaning my teeth, I'm learning more about dental problems, and the problems they can cause, than I want to. And the pictures..... ewwwww!
