Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Dial Up Blues

My buddy Mike Byers lives in a place called Baliff's Hollow, and the sun sets between there and town. He's on dial-up, and the phone system is pretty much cans on a string.

Mike is a fellow of many talents -- artist, writer, singer, guitarist, flew airplanes in one of those wars we lost a while back, though it wasn't his fault.

He wrote a little blues number. I liked it, so here's my version.

(I'll have to send it to him on a disk, since it would take forever for him to download it online.


  1. Thanks, Steve. I'll have to go to the local library today and check it out. Just remember to send me a check when this goes gold. And not only does the sun set between here and town, owls hoot in the daytime and we keep 'possums for yard dogs. (to steal a line from Manley Wade Wellman).

  2. Great Job, Steve. I'm sure Mike will love it as soon as he can hear it! HAHA!regofa

  3. Oh,yeah! You really nailed it; much better than what I did when it comes to the tune. Blind Whitebread Perry, you da man!

  4. The embed code for SoundClick starts the player automatically when I log on, so I'm gonna leave it up for a few more days, then kill the embed and put a click-on link for anybody who might want to hear it.

    SInce I use my page's links to read other blogs, I get tired of hearing myself that often ...
