Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Has Sprung, the Grass is Riz

So, warm days arrived here in the Northwest, at least a couple, so we loaded up the camper and went out into the Gorge this past weekend. Where we live, we can be at the beach in a couple of hours; or, enjoying one of the scenic wonders of the country -- the Columbia River Gorge -- in half that. Several good places to camp -- parks, RV places and country fairgrounds, like that -- within fifty miles. You can kick back, read, walk the dogs, watch the river go by. Even with gas prices high and the low mileage the truck gets, it's a cheap date, less than what you'd pay for one of those tiny log cabins at the KOA.

Concrete guys are out smoothing over the first section of sidewalk, the driveway yet to come. Rhoddie is in full bloom, the hostas have unfurled their leaves, strawberry plants are thriving. Warm, seventy-five F.  or so  out there now, a bit of a breeze. Not like Louisiana, where it's already eighty-five or ninety every day, with a humidity to match.

Warm enough to do lawn stuff -- weed-eater, machete the blackberry vines a bit, then vacuum and shampoo carpets which might actually dry before the rains return. 

There are a lot worse places to live than here ...

1 comment:

  1. Tiel has come out of hibernation and can be found basking on rocks in the heat of the afternoon.
