Friday, May 15, 2009

Grandson Wins

Zach wins the animation award for his effort, posted here earlier. 


  1. Hey, congratulations!

    He's welcome at my place for a celebratory beer anytime.

    Probably be better for him if I take him under my wing early...If Grandpa has to teach him about beer, that kid's edumacation will be shot all to hell.

  2. Gratz Zach! Great work. It's a really polished little piece of flash. The voice-over kills me.

  3. I dunno if he knows what that smiley face means or not -- if he does, he's ahead of me -- I don't.

  4. It's the 4chan smiley.

    4channers and SomethingAwful members have spread it everywhere, though, so there's a ghost of a chance that he hasn't been tainted by the... dark cenotaph of corruption that is 4Chan.

    By the way, quite an astonishing video for a kid to pull off. Projects like that are deceptively large.
