Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Steampunk

Check out Datamancer's steam-punkery.

Look at the picture. Keyboard you can see; without that, I'd never have guessed the rest of it was a computer -- and check out the graphics tablet ...

This guy does terrific work. Drop by his site and have a look at his keyboards and monitors.


  1. Wow, brillant stuff. I was just telling an engineer friend about steampunk the other day. Showed him this and he spent the next 1/2 hour scouring the site.
    Neet little synopsys on how he build the sword.

  2. Neat stuff. Wonder if Kaja and Phil Foglio (the creative pair beyond the Agatha Heterodyne ``gaslamp fantasy'' series Girl Genius) have seen it.

    The tablet would be more interesting if it were a Wacom Cintiq though.

