Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just Because I Liked the Pictures

Wardrobe malfunction ...

Lipstick on a pig ...

Feel free to apply them to whichever party you want ...


  1. cute.

    I guess I missed that episode of Sesame Street.

    I can just imagine the questions a pre teen might ask about the top picture.

    Oh. They took the video down from U-toob. Guess they don't want people to see it.

    Curious, that.

  2. Actually, I suspect that a whole lot of kids wouldn't have a big psychological problem if they were flashed by a hooter, even a puppet-version.

    Showing a dead body is a lot closer to what I'd consider obscene.

    Probably most people can't remember the first time they saw a bare breast. Even in this country, a lot of babies are still fed that way.

    Most people can remember the first time they had a dog die, or a friend or neighbor.

    Years ago, I wrote a nasty letter to Time Magazine.
    In a direct quote by a well-know political figure, the man had said, "Fuck that!"

    Time rendered it as "F --- that!"

    As if the word had enough power to melt eyeballs.
    As if anybody who had enough wherewithal to read the magazine hadn't heard the mighty F-word before.

    And in that same issue, there were pictures from a war zone, showing corpses piled up hither and yon.

    Something is wrong with culture too sensitive to see the word "fuck" printed on a page, but not so much that a field full of dead women and kids is okay.

    I though Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" was hilarious. Anybody who thought, "Omigod, a titty!" and that the Republic would fall?

    Wrong value system for me ...
