Saturday, March 08, 2008

New Soul

So, when Apple came out with its new ultra-slim laptop, the TV commercial featured a song over the visuals. Something about the song struck me -- I liked it, even though I was only able to catch about every third word. So, the joys of Goggle gave me the lyrics, the music, and a link to the YouTube video of the singer, somebody called Yael Naïm, a fetching young woman who is Jewish-Tunisian, born in Paris, and who lived for a time in Israel. She sings in French, English, and Hebrew.

The singer is backed by an oompah-band (a term that generally includes a tuba in the mix), and the piece, "New Soul" is very catchy. Check out the vid:

1 comment:

  1. I found the song to be quite engaging as well. Thanks for finding the video.
