Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Working the Abs

Got a ways to go yet to carve the abs, but I'm making progress.

Between the rope and chins in an L-sit, plus the odd hundred crunches here and there, the old belly is getting some work.

Couple more weeks, I should be pretty close to the six-pack ...


  1. Christ, Steve...

    Put yer shirt back on. We all see your hairy chest.

    Gotta go stab myself in the eyeballs now...

  2. I need to lose 30 pounds -- I'm at 210 and would like to be at 180. (Was at 240 a couple years ago -- could still run the court OK but it was thoroughly unattractive.)

    Look OK now ... but the knee cartilage is shot and going downstairs isn't getting any easier. I'd be willing to drop ten pounds of muscle and 20 pounds of fat to walk around at 180 again.... thinking about posting this on my blog, to embarrass myself into it ... :-)

    Halfway through "The Man Who Never Missed," btw. Ran across a couple days ago -- it's moving really well.

  3. nice 6-pack for a grampa! i ain't hatin, tho -- i don't have any kids, and a 1-pack: 1 big round pack.


  4. Dan --

    If you are comfortable in the water, swimming is good. Easier on the joints, pretty good aerobic activity, and I've always thought that swimmers, dancers, and gymnasts had the most esthetically-pleasing body-types.

    Hope the TMWNM works for you. I had fun writing it, but it was long ago and I had things to prove ...

  5. You may write better than I do, but my stomach is still prettier than yours.

  6. Jesus, you look old.
    We do that SW signing, I'll have to watch, make sure you don't break a hip getting out of the wheelchair ...

  7. Yeah? Lift up your shirt and let's see what you got, Dude.
