Thursday, August 30, 2007

Turn Off the Light

You know how you can be out walking at night and you pass a streetlight that suddenly blinks off? Sometimes, it's burned out; sometimes, it's overheated, and a sensor shuts it down, circuit-breaker, like that.

If it happens that a light blinks off when you pass by, it kind of makes you wonder.
Something about your energy?

Coincidence explains it, of course, but sometimes that seems to get stretched a bit.

Tonight, whilst walking the dogs for a short loop, only three or four blocks, the light-blinking-off thing happened.

Not once. Not twice.

Five times.

On the street, in the drugstore parking lot, in the pocket park.

I can't recall that ever happening that many times before.

It's the eve of my birthday. I wonder if it means something ...


  1. You should find this "The Straight Dope" article interesting:
    It's from 1994, and is titled, "Can some people extinguish streetlamps by means of their bodily emanations?"

    Everett Kaser

  2. Anything shiny might catch the light and twinkle right back into the photocell that turns it off in the mornings... Got a sparkly collar on that dog?
