Thursday, August 30, 2007

Almost a Six Pack ...


  1. Please stop doing this. You are frightening the children.

  2. Stop, full stop, no more, cease and desist, engines at full reverse.

  3. I mean it. For God's sake, you are BEYOND middle age. For that matter, you're beyond Middle Earth.


  4. Happy birthday, Steve.

    Birthday wishes at

  5. Everybody is a critic.

    Let's not wait until you are my age ...

    Shirt off, Kid. Show me what it's supposed to look like ...

  6. Thanks, Tiel.

    The pie tastes great, regardless of the look. I'll hose off the cooler and get it back to you next week ...

  7. Hey, Kid, you see what Tiel said on her blog? See? Go look. That's how you wish somebody happy birthday.

    You make up nice stuff to say ...

    Thanks, Tiel. I appreciate it.

    I'm looking for some Schludwiller for you, Kid. I know at heart you really are a California lite beer kinda guy.

  8. ...also check out and and

  9. Happy birthday, Steve.

  10. Happy Birthday Mr. Perry, if it wasn't for your Netforce books I would never have known Silat existed.

  11. Happy birthday, Steve. And wishes for many, many more.

  12. Holy crap Steve.

    Way to give a man hope. If you can do it, I should be able to at slightly more than half your age.

    I know I can do it, I know how, I just haven't. That right there is some motivation though.

  13. keep workin' them angels!
    Happy Birthday Steve!

  14. Thanks to everybody for the good wishes.

    Even you, Kid ...

  15. Happy come clean, how much of the good things have you given up to gain that six pack?...LOL...I always tell my friends to screw the six pack I'm sporting a party ball and dang proud of I never have to give up any of the Yummies...good work Steve!

  16. Heh. I knew you would say that!

    I have been waiting. You know that book I am working on? There is a reason it's late. Go check out Thick as Thieves.

    And have a happy birthday, ya old coot!

  17. Happy birthday Steve. It has been a real pleasure knowing you, training with you and spending time with you.

    My apologies for the late wishes: I plead a cold, 16 hours of time difference and being at WorldCon, finding out I could go 4 days before I flew. Hearing your voice as the voice of the shuttlepilot on Star Trek New Voyages - World Enoug and Time was a surprise.

    And Betty Mitchell of del Rey in her presentation on upcoming titles said wonderful things about your upcoming Death Star book

  18. Thanks for the con report, Edwin. I hope you are having a fine ole time there in Nippon.

    Oh, and thanks to whoever put out the word for folks to wish me happy birthday on their blogs. I was touched.

  19. As for what I gave up to try and stay in shape? Nothing, actually. I eat Haagen Dazs -- the highest fat of all, Black Walnut; drink American micro-brew beer; enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner; and admit to a fondness for Jordan almonds. Even have a Mexican Coke now and then.

    I just don't eat as much of all that as I used to ...

  20. Bobbe has written a short story that isn't too awful. You can see it on his blog -- link on my page or click on his name up top to get a clickable link in his bio, to Thick as Thieves.

    It's a little rough, but shows promise. Rated R, for gore ...

  21. Well, blogspot is a joy to use from Japan. It does not check the language my browser tells it: it seems to use my origination and translates all labels, text and error messages to Japanese.

    Thanks to Babelfish, I just finally figured out what this innocuous message meant: コメントの管理を有効にしました。 コメントはブログの所有者が承認するまで公開されません。

    Management of comment was made effective. Comment is not released until the owner of ブログ approves.

    It may mean my con report ends up in two separate spots.

  22. Well, blogspot is a joy to use from Japan. It does not check the language my browser tells it: it seems to use my origination and translates all labels, text and error messages to Japanese.

    I just finally figured out what this means: コメントの管理を有効にしました。 コメントはブログの所有者が承認するまで公開されません。

    Management of comment was made effective. Comment is not released until the owner of ブログ approves.

    Sloppy really.
