Friday, May 04, 2007

Toastmaster R Us

Now and again, I have been asked to be guest of honor or toastmaster at the odd science fiction convention. (And you might think that all science fiction conventions are odd, and you'd be right, but some are odder than others ...)

Recently, I was asked if I wanted to be the toastmaster at an upcoming one in Dallas, Texas, come late September, and since I haven't been making much of an effort to do SF&F conventions outside the local area, and since this one sounded like a really good one, I was intrigued. It will be small, maybe five hundred people. It will be literary, because the author GoH for this one is Connie Willis, who is an excellent, multi-award-winning writer and a nice lady, to boot. There will be artists, and a fair number of musicians bringing instruments to play.

Details must still be worked out, but they asked and I agreed, so in principle, I'm gonna do it.

This will give my legions of fans -- did I say legions? -- perhaps platoons -- nay, the, um squad of my fans who have been clamoring for me to be available for autographs and merriment east of the Rockies a chance to drop by and say hello.

Details on the gathering maybe be found here, at the FenCon Website.


  1. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll be in Angola that weekend. If by some chance I'm not, I will be there.
