Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Testing, Testing ...

So, after my most recent visit to the doctor and the not-as-good-as-I-wanted blood test results, vis a vis sugars and cholesterols and lipids and like that, I went online and checked out home test kits. I found what appeared to be the most accurate and reasonably-priced one, which was the basic CardioChek meter and strips. According to the study I found, the meter was within 1-3% plus-or-minus on most of the tests, when comparted to a standard lab.

Close enough. I ordered it.

It got here today, and since I hadn't eaten anything since dinner last evening, only had black coffee and water, I thought I might as well get a baseline.

Apparently, only a couple of weeks of attention to one's diet can do wonders. Of the tests I ran, everything was down considerably -- all WNL (within normal limits) save for one, which was still slightly high, but only just so, having fallen 20%.

This is most encouraging. I'm going to wait a couple months and check everything again.

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