Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Separated at Birth?

Bobbe Edmunds/Chris Bauer

So I was channel surfing last night and I came across something called "Smith," a caper series on CBS, I think, about high-tech thieves who have other jobs to cover their adventures. I wasn't too impressed with how they did business -- long and overly-complicated scenarios to do things that could be accomplished a lot easier, but still kinda fun in a guilty-pleasure way.

And lo, there appeared on the screen an FBI agent who -- to me -- looked very familiar. Actor's name is Chris Bauer, and I was sure I'd seen him before ...

Anybody else notice that he bears a certain resemblance to our own Bobbe Edmunds, up in Washingston state ... ?


  1. Okay, that does it, it is ON, old man. On, on, ON!!!!!

    "You wanna WHAR?? I'll GIVE you a Whar!!"

  2. War? Hey, we all have doubles out there, so they say. Not my fault if your happens to look like you ...

    Heh, heh, heh ...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Well, that's not fair. No two people should get that many looks. ;)

    Maybe Bobbe could sue him for some kind of trademark infringement.

  5. Infringement of what, exactly? My nose, right? You're talking about my nose. Can't think of what ELSE you might be referring to...!!

  6. Is it just me or is he a dead ringer for Michael Ironside?

    Steve, I think you should post the image so that others can marvel at the resemblance.

    Seriously, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was the excellent movie Scanners.

    I have to log off now, I'm kind of getting a headache... getting worse... oh God the pain in my AUGHHHH
