Monday, October 02, 2006

New Puppies ...

So Zela -- our dog Jude's mom -- has a new litter. Here she is, with Jude's half-brother and -sisters, the pups six weeks old when we took this picture, day before yesterday.

So the only question is, which one will we be able to get -- the little boy (topmost) is already spoken for, and probably one of the girls will stay with the breeder (black and white, closest to her mother's tail.)

We think our choice will be between the two girls who are the closest to the right side of the X-pen in the photo above, both brindle-colored, but we won't know until they are older, so the breeder can tell if they will be show-quality or not.

Puppies ... !


  1. How's Scout gonna feel about that? Will it be "Another damned brat!" or "heyy, cute thing..."?

  2. We're hoping the new pup will bother Jude and allow Scout to rest without being yapped at by a little dog with too much energy.

    Maybe the Corgis can wear each other out. That's the hope, anyhow ...

  3. If my wife sees this level of cuteness, I'm screwed. We have no place to put a dog. And yet, I'll get the bi-monthly "We need a doggie!" argument.

  4. There is always room for a dog. You don't have to get a Great Dane or a Mastiff. Female Cargigan Corgis run 25-35 pounds, they can be taught to herd the kids, and they aren't yappy. If a squirrel sneaks up on your house, the dog will warn you every time.

    And the dog is always glad to see you come home. Walk to the mailbox, and when you get back, the dog will go wild: "He's back! Yay! Hooray! Life is good!"

    Petting a dog lowers your blood pressure -- they've does studies.

    Dogs are way better than a lot of people ...

  5. Who was it who said that if there is a heaven almost all dogs and very few of their masters will be allowed in?

    There's plenty of room in your house for a dog, Bobbe. It doesn't have to be one of those yappy little rodents.

  6. Oh, and some day you need to ask Brandt about the two cossacks and the Welsh Corgi.
