Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Punchlines ...

"Yes, but -- this one is eating my popcorn!"

"Man riding my bicycle!"

"Wendy? No, mon, it says 'Welcome to Jamaica -- have a nice day.'"


  1. The missionary is visiting a tribe of Indians and walking about the village with one of the men.

    The missionary is pointing out things and giving the Indian the English names: Dog, fire, tree, etc.

    They come to a couple making love under a bush. The missionary, somewhat taken aback, sayd, "Uh, uh ... that's, uh -- a man riding a bicycle!"

    Whereupon the Indian pulls an arrow from his quiver, nocks it, and shoots the man with the woman, killing him.

    Stunned, the missionary says, "What did you do that for?"

    And the Indian says ...
