Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Another Busy Week

Now and then, one of those busy periods pops up and you wonder how you are gonna find the time to get things done.

Sunday, we drove to the coast for a overnighter in our camper, my wife and I and the dogs, coming off a long period of not being able to get away. Came home yesterday afternoon, and in the ninety-five degree heat, unloaded -- and then watched my wife get into a cleaning frenzy, restructuring the kitchen ...

Today, I talked to my collaborator Reaves about the current Star Wars book-in-progress, exchanged email with my editor on the Bunch book -- she likes it, and it looks as if editing will be minimal -- then I went and was fitted for rental tuxedo for a wedding Sunday evening. Daughter of a writer I know is getting married, and they are going all out.

Of course, this wedding comes immediately after a weekend getting the stuffing thumped out of me at the annual Silat Sera Seminar, which is this time being held at a shooting range in Portland. Gotta like that. Shades of bringing knives to a gun fight. I hope I am not too battered and having to explain the limp and/or black eye to the other wedding guests.

My agent is in town for the wedding -- she has a couple of other clients who are local -- and there is a get-together for her at one of the other writer's houses, but it is Sunday afternoon, and I can't make it because I'll be getting stuffing thumped out, and all.

Between now and then, I have lunch with an old buddy, and need to get some writing done. Fortunately, I have but two books in harness at the moment, and only one of them has a deadline. No yoga class this week, it's the break between summer and fall sessions, but I do have silat on Thursday.

With any luck at all, my new guitar will get here this week, in time for my birthday, which is Thursday. (Today is my wife's birthday, and we will celebrate that when she gets home from work.)

Probably doesn't sound like a lot to somebody who has a Real Job in the Real World, but it is enough for me to feel busy ...

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