Monday, October 17, 2022

Dirisha Zuri - Nude Statuette

A 1/6 scale nude statuette of Dirisha Zuri, from the Matador novels. 

Sculpted by Xunyue Xiao, SexySculptureXXY (Etsy), of Fuzhou, China, 3D-resin printing, hand-finished and painted.


Top-lit on a CD base, to get the rainbow reflection.


  1. Interesting. Did you buy it or just admiring it (and a little proud someone thought enough about Dirisha to do this)?

  2. That's great work!

    Seeing as "Matadora" was my introduction to the series, all those years ago, Dirisha will always have a special place in my fandom.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. It was a commission. She stands on a rotating base, next to a floating moon lamp. Part of the deal was that I allowed the artist to offer copies (cheaper, because there were no design set-up costs) on her Etsy page. The artist prints her work in 3D, then hand-finishes and paints them too look like marble. She has quite a variety of designs, some of them pretty expensive, but I love her work.

  4. She's got her spetsdöds on, even though she's "unclothed"! A wonderful touch! Reminds me that I should re-read the whole series soon.

    And maybe I'll pick up the model. Your books have been a pivotal, eye opening, and growth-inducing part of my life, multiple times. So a physical reminder would be nice.

    Of course, I'm obliged to ask, is Churl or another book in the Matador series on the horizon?

  5. Actually, I finished the first draft of Churl this morning, it's off to a writer-friend for comments. Still be a while before it sees the light of day -- rewrites, copy-editing, like that. When it get published, it will go straight to e-book. These is a possibility of an on-demand paperback, but the jury isn't in on that yet.
