Wednesday, June 02, 2021

The AC Conundrum


When we moved to the Pacific Northwest, none of the houses we looked at had air conditioning. Speaking here of the cooling devices, not heaters.

Because they were mostly unnecessary.

Yeah, there were a couple weeks in August where we might soar into the high nineties, even an occasional hundred degree day, but you ran the fans, took a cool shower before bedtime, opened the windows, good to go.

Then we began to have more hot days strung together. 

When it drops into the fifties or low sixties overnight, still no problem, but when it says in the seventies? House wouldn’t cool, and sleeping got uncomfortable.

We had big dogs with double-coats, they suffered, so we got a roll-around AC to keep the bedroom livable. And sometimes my office, since the computer got cranky in the heat.

My wife doesn’t like AC, so we would only run the unit if it was really bad.

The question then became, what was really bad? One ninety-five degree day? Nah.

Two or three in a row, no cool-down?


Yesterday was 97F here, and it stayed warm all night. We didn’t run the AC, but it was not a comfortable night. Dogs were restless, us too.

Supposed to be 90 today, though they usually underestimate that here.

If it is still 80 in the bedroom come time to turn in? We will run it. 

If you have it and you need it? Okay to use it …

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