Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Not Funny, Dude

Humor is one of the most subjective of concepts. That which will make one man laugh hysterically can make another cry; a knee-slapper can be a heart-breaker. 

I won’t bore you with the classic Mel Brooks definition of what is tragic and what is comedic — nor should there be a race to see who can post it first, thank you — but ceilings being floors, oxen being gored, yadda, yadda, yadda.

What I find more fascinating is how many people seem to think that they are funny, hilariously so, when there is absolutely no evidence for that belief.

Early in his career, so the story he tells goes, Eddie Murphy was taken to task by Bill Cosby for his blue humor. 

Murphy called up Richard Pryor to complain.

Pryor said, Was it funny? Did they laugh?

Well, yes,

Then tell Bill I said to to have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up …

(Nor is lost on Murphy where he is and where Cosby is these days — Eddie stayed home to raise his kids, and “America’s Dad”is in the Big House …)

How do you know the most boring professor you ever had has just told a joke? He stops talking, looks up from his lecture notes, blinks, and waits. You can’t remember what he said, but you know you are supposed to laugh …

All to often, I will be perusing a thread online, and poster after poster, who thought the comments were too long, so they didn’t bother to read ‘em, will repeat the same-lame-not-at-all-funny comment as though it is the best of Dorothy Parker.

Some people just need to be kept away from the microphone.

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