Friday, June 11, 2021



So, we had a couple of buddies over to lunch, and after some boiled shrimp and beer and hummus, we sat down to play music together.

Just a few songs, and I was a bit rusty — first time playing live with these guys for fourteen months. 

We tried doing it online, but it wasn’t the same. That face-to-face energy matters.

I was always impressed that groups who had grown to hate each other — Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Eagles — managed to lay down separate tracks at different times to produce some terrific albums. I wondered if they had been together in a studio and enjoying it, how that would have affected the result?

Back in the early recording days, a group would often stand or sit in front of a mike, do one take that went straight onto a cylinder, and that was it.

Magic synergy, when it worked.

I have missed it. 

It was a joy, the jam.

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