Thursday, May 20, 2021



I have an app that lets me check my internet provider’s speeds to the house. Downloads are faster than uploads, but both are supposed to be more than enough for computers, phones, TV, streaming, tablets, etc.

Things seemed a little slow, so I ran the app, and lo! according to it, the download speed to my modem/router was about 4% of what it theoretically supposed to deliver.

I know nobody ever gets the theoretical max, but, oh, my.

So the app said, Hmm. You aren’t getting what you paid for. Let’s restart your system see if that fixes it, hey?

Go for it.

Nope. But then the app said, Ah. You need to upgrade your device. We will send you a new one, no charge, and instructions to DIY, how’s that?

My immediate thought was the Skywalker quote, a bad feeling, but now and again, I like to think I can do this stuff, and really, How Hard can It Be?

Send it.

They did.

The instructions in the box were, um … terse. And puzzling. Unhook the old device, download and light up our installation app, and follow the instructions.

Um … so you disconnect your internet, then download an app vis your just-fucking-disconnected internet? Am I missing a step here?

Downloaded it before I unhooked the old router.

I took pictures of all the wiring, unplugged the old device, plugged everything into the new one, used my phone’s hotspot, switched everything back on, and, son-of-a-bitch, ten minutes later it came online and presto! worked!

Could hardly believe it.

Of course, when I rechecked the speed, it wasn’t what I was paying for, but it was at 50% instead of 4%.

Progress, such that it is …

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